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Transformative Climate Communities

Welcome to the TCC Home Page and Resource Center

This website page is the landing for everything related to the Transformative Climate Commmunities Planning Program.  We hope that you find the resources to be useful.

Please feel free to contact us at anytime with your questions, concerns or suggestions that you may have.  Be sure to bookmark this page and share with your family, friends, neighbors and others that may have an interest on how to make our communities thriving and better as we all work together building towards a resilient and sustainable Agricultural-Based Economy and Workforce of the Future.

For Further Information:

Outreach and Community Engagement: Sue Ruiz, Community Outreach Facilitator, Self-Help Enterprises / 559.802.1687 

Community Support and Spanish/Espanola Assistance: Jimena Quezada, Community Liaison, Tranquillity RCD / 559.313.7992

Program Information: Steve Haze, Program Manager, TRCD - / 559.970.6320


First Transformative Climate Communities meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, March 18th!  Hosted by the Caruthers Public Library

The TCC Program

Tranquillity RCD was awarded in December 2023 a Transformative Climate Communities Planning (TCC) grant from the California Strategic Growth Council (SGC).  In April 2024, the grant award for two years was executed between the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and now known as Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI)and TRCD with a start date commencing on May 1st.  The program is focused on Transformative Climate Communities in an Agriculture-Based Economy and the Workforce of the Future.  This includes four Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities (DUCs) within the district and at large (Please see map below):

  • Tranquillity
  •  Alkali Flats
  •  Raisin City
  • Perry Colony

These communities are experiencing extreme poverty and severe socioeconomic and environmental challenges.  There will be a total of 10 representatives chosen by their communities to provide leadership at the local level.

In addition to Tranquillity RCD, the TCC Program consists of four Partner Organizations:

Currently, the program is in the pre-launch planning and preparation stage with a targeted "go-public" start date now scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at the Caruthers Public Library for the communities of Raisin City and Perry Colony.  The second community meeting for the communities of Tranquillity and Alkali Flats is  being assisted by the Superintendent's Office for Golden Plains School District in early May.  Dates and location to be announced once confirmed.

In advance of launching the community engagement program, a significant amount of program development has been underway.  This includes working with the University of California Merced; California Water Institute at CSU Fresno; outreach to Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)-- as well as engaging in a series of initiatives with the Fresno Council Of Governments (COG); Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) and others.   These undertakings are hyperlinked on the right side and bottom of this page with more detail is available.

Three people in a meeting room with laptops, papers, and flip charts on the walls.
6-12-2024 - From Left to Right: Armando Ortiz and Sue Ruiz , Self-Help Enterprises and Steve Haze, Tranquillity RCD in Pre-Launch Planning session at SHE's Headquarters in Visalia
Map showing Tranquillity Resource Conservation District with boundaries, roads, and surrounding areas.