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District Operations

Since 2019 the RCD has embarked upon engaging in innovative approaches within agriculture addressing the sustainability and improvement of the natural resources vital to a producer's successful farming and ranching operations, no matter how big or small.  Agriculture a a very challenging and complex undertaking. It has a multitude of challenges relevant to the quality and quantity of water, healthy and fertile soils,  as well as succesfuly managing the life-cycle of a orchard and other production operations.  Within Agriculture, TRCD is focused on these challenges and is working with producers assisting in reducing wastes and emissions based upon state mandates. 

Tranquilllity RCD is proud of the fact that all of the directors are leaders in their fields of expertise, and not only are  they engaged in their own operations -- but also very committed in service to other farmers and local communities.

The following are a number of intiatives that are currently underway:

  • Tranquillity RCD has received a Conservation Cooperative Agreement (CCA) award just executed on August 30th with the California Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).  This is a $75,000 3-year program to begin under a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between CA NRCS / CA Association of RCDs and Tranquillity RCD.  The launch of this important initative commenced in September of this year.
  • TRCD is currently establishing a MOU with West Hills Community College District's Farm of the Future Program   (FOTF)
  • The district is a partner with the Carbon Cycle Institute (CCI) and will be working very closely on the implementation and operation of the San Joaquin Valley Region Carbon Farming Hub, (CCI).  This is also being launched in September and will be tied into WHCCD's Farm of the Future Program.
  • Tranquillity is further expanding its relationship with the McMullin Growndwater Sustainability Agency (MAGSA) a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) that overlays approximately 2/3's of the district.  MAGSA is one of a handful of GSAs that have had their Groundwater Sunstainability Plan (GSP) which is over 1,000 pages approved by the Director of the CA Department of Water Resources (DWR) in compliance of the CA Sustainable Groundwater Act, (SGMA -  In July, the Executive Director, Steve Haze was appointed by their Board of Directos to serve on MAGSA's Stakeholder Committee.  He is representing the Environment under SGMA which includes the stewardship and conservation of natural resources.
  • Tranquillity is now involved in the Strategic Growth Council's (SGC) California Economic Resilience Fund (CERF) Program that is being managed by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) in which the Central Valley  Community Foundation (CVCF) is the Convenor for the Central San Joaquin Valley Region (  TRCD is participating as a local government focused within the district and non-served areas of the west side of Fresno County under the California Public Resources Code - PRC9003.  Currently underway is Phase 1 Planning which is a $5 million dollar investment that once the plan is accepted is the framework for investing $45 million in implementation projects.  TRCD see this as an importent initiative to assure the continued sustainability of agriculture on the west side.
  •  The district is engaged in other capacities at this time including the Kings Basin Water Authority under SGMA (, Southern Sierra Integrated Water Management Group (SSIRWMG) under DWR, (, as well as the Tulare Basin Watershed Partnership (TBWP) and Network (TBWN) in which geographically the district lays within the basin.