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California Water Institute  - CSU Fresno

The California Water Institute located at California State University, Fresno is a leading research center focused on addressing the challenges when it comes to better managing the state's finate water resources.  CWI is reknowned for its leading edge and innovative research program.  Historically, CWI were responsible for performing isotopic analysis for a wateshed within a fractured-rock aquifer of a significant watershed within the Sierra Nevada that became the basis for further research by Lawrence Livermore Labs.  Recently, they completed an important study and Executive Summary with recommendations on how to address groundwater sustainability on the westside of Fresno County that would benefit farming communities to meet the goals of SGMA -- Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014.  SGMA has a goal of groundwater balance in place by 2014.  Their study and in conjuction with the McMullin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MAGSA) will be a siginficant contribution to the development of Tranquillity's TCC Implementation Plan.