Matt Hurley

Matt has been instrumental in re-activating and getting Tranquillity RCD up and running again after nearly a 15-year hiatus. In the last few years, as the Executive Director, he was able triple the size of the district through the Fresno County LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission). TRCD is now the largest operating RCD on the westside of the county. No small feat in itself!
In addition, Matt wears many other hats with local, regional and statewide importance. This includes being the General Manager for the McMullin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MAGSA) which is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) that overlays a significant portion of Tranquillity RCD.
Matt also serves on the Board of Directors for the Sierra Resource Conservation District (SRCD) in eastern Fresno County and is an officer for the California Association of RCDs - SJV Region-Area 9. He also serves on the Board for the Tulare Basin Watershed Partnership (TBWP), and Allensworth Progressive Association (APA) to name just a few others.